Setting Up Blogger For Custom Domains On GoDaddy

12:36 PM Ritz 0 Comments

Oh well, it's time to change our .blogspot blog to our own domain. The very thing you must do to change your .blogspot is to buy a domain at go daddy because their domain names are cheaper compared to others.

Now, after you purchased your own domain login to your godaddy account. On the leftmost, you can find "My Products", then click the domain manager. Click the domain you want to edit.

Then, click the Total DNS control and MX records in the lower part.

Under the CNAME aliasis, you can find "www" click the pencil to edit. You will be ask if you want to modify the www CNAME record. Just click okay.

(Click the image to enlarge)

Then, type "www" in the alias name and " in the host name, then click okay. It shoud be like this:

Next thing you do is to add a new CNAME Record. Then type in the Alias Name your domain. And in the host name, then, click okay. It should be like this:
(Click the image to enlarge)

After you've done this. Let's proceed to forwarding. Enable the forwarding by typing your domain name, then click okay. It should be looked like this:

Okay, your done with Next thing you do is go to your blogger account. Go to SETTINGS then click PUBLISHING. Go to custom domain and click SWITCH TO ADVANCE SETTING. Then, enter your domain name. Don't check the redirect to www.yourdomain. Then save settings.

There you go! That's how you set up custom domain! You have to wait for 1-2 days. But it only took 30 minutes until blogger hosted my domain name