Not Feeling Well

5:12 PM Ritz 4 Comments

I was wet in the rain last night and haven't done any interventions. And now, I got runny nose and headache. My eyes are so teary. I can't see clearly... this stupid eyes are making me sick! It looks like I'm crying and people always ask what's the problem. Ammmp!

Anyway, I can't imagine myself tomorrow. I will have my duty with this teary eyes. I bet patients will also ask "Is there any problem?".


  1. well, much better if you'll just take a day off and see your doctor for proper medication...remember that health is wealth, so better take a rest my friend...God Bless...

  2. to clydens: thanks cly, yeah, ur right! health is wealth...

    to jennifer: I'm happy to hear those words... I'm glad you enjoyed reading my blog even though my grammar is not that good..

  3. I've been there before...I have terrible allergies. My eyes get puffy and watery and's horrible.

    I hope you get to feeling better!

  4. i experienced that too when i had my allergy. i use visine so my eyes won't look red from wiping it many times. hope you'll feel better soon. :)
