Cover Up Makeup Theme

10:14 PM Ritz 0 Comments

Wew! Gosh, my last post was on May 21! It's not obvious that I am not busy, huh? Well, I've been up to this site Cover Up Makeup. This is my second web design... the first one was Bride Makeup. I created the theme for 2 days using Thesis Theme powered by Wordpress. Yup, wordpress! Yahoo! I know now how to create themes for wordpress! It's not that hard, really. It's similar to Blogger HTML layout but kinda little complicated. Just little.  Well, I am enjoy  my work as a VA because I'm learning more about SEO and web designing stuff. But it would be more enjoyable if  I have a bigger salary. Hehe.. Anyway, I am so sleepy now... I need to go to bed and rest. I'll keep this site updated. Stay tune for more web designing!