Can I still earn money with a ZERO PR?

10:44 AM Ritz 1 Comments

I've been a blogger for about 1 year with a PR Zero blog . But hey! with the help of this Zero PR blog I was still able to pay my tuition fee at school and buy some important stuffs at home. Anyway, there are some advertisers and paid-to-post program who does not value Page Rank. They value traffics on your blog. You can also earn money through referrals... so better put some buttons in your sidebar or somewhere in your blog that is visible to your readers. You could also participate on google's adsense. They can give you some money through impressions and clicks.

Now, what you need to do in your PR zero blog is to gain traffic by involving yourself in:

1. Social Media. Submit your post at digg, delicious, stumbleupon and other social media. Me, I find more traffic at stumbleupon.

2. Create good content. That's the most basic and important in driving traffic. Creating posts that are interesting and exciting like technology, entertainment and etc.

3. Join entrecard. Entrecard is the latest hit in the web. I think every body is involve in entrecard. You can gain traffic by dropping on others card. Drop 300 cards a day and surely they will also drop back at you... but make sure you drop those dropper who are active.

4. Exchange links with other blogger. You can still gain traffic from them. Especially to those popular blogs who also have tons of visitors. Who knows they will visit you too.

Well, those things are my opinions in driving traffic. You may find more advices to those experts in blogging. Just continue to create interesting posts... and you'll see your counter growing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this info... As a new blogger.. it helps me a lot.
