Contest: Win free .info domain name and hosting for one (1) year Part II

11:17 PM Ritz 0 Comments

As I promise, I will be hosting another contest with good prices. FREE .INFO DOMAIN NAME AND HOSTING FOR 1 YEAR!

Are you still using .blogspot and .wordpress blog? Are you still using free platform? Now, it's your chance to get a domain name of yours and become a self-hosted blogger. This contest is open to all blogger who don't have their own domain name!

3 PEOPLE WILL BE LUCKY!!! sponsored for this contest! The mechanics of this contest is just simple.

1. Visit
2. Review Kind Hoster (with link pointing to in 100 words.
3. Include in your post that girlblogger is having a contest.
4. Leave a comment on this post with your name and the url of your review.
5. Contest will end on Jan. 30, 2011 
5. Winner will be chosen using and will be announced on Jan 31, 2011 
Winning Prize:

Disk Space: 500 MB
Bandwidth: 5 GB
Domain Name - Free Domain Name 
Add on Domain: 3
Park Domain -  Unlimited
Email Account - Unlimited
Cpanel/Direct Admin -  Yes
That's all it needs to own a domain name and hosting! Easy! Sooner, PROUD TO BE HOSTED @ KINDHOSTER [ MY WORDPRESS BLOGS].

Anyway, let me tell you about Kind Hoster.  This hosting is suitable for bloggers who are saving money. Imagine you will just spend $10/year of your hosting? Yes, that's true. Below is there hosting plans: